Awards, Honors, Medals, and Distinctions

  1. Z3-alpha SMT solver won several divisions at SMT-COMP 2024
  2. University Blockchain Research Institute (UBRI) Innovator Award 2023
  3. NeurIPS Spotlight 2023
  4. Bronze medal at SAT 2023 competition (main track)
  5. University of Waterloo's Engineering Research Excellence Award (EREA) 2022
  6. Winner of the Annual International Parallel SAT Competition 2021 (held @ SAT Conference)
  7. Paper on MachSMT selected for STTT Journal Special Issue on Best Papers at TACAS 2021
  8. University of Waterloo Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Excellence Award 2020
  9. University of Waterloo Electrical and Computer Engineering Outstanding Performance Award 2020
  10. Best Paper Award at Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication, and Computing Journal (AAECC) 2020
  11. Ripple Faculty Fellow 2019-2023
  12. ACM ISSTA Impact Paper Award 2019 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM ISSTA conference)
  13. IJCAI 'Sister Conference Best Paper Track' Invited Paper 2018
  14. Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition (main track)
  15. Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition (no-limits track)
  16. Invited Paper at Constraint Programming 2017 (CP 2017) conference
  17. Among top 3 best papers at SAT 2017
  18. ACM Test of Time Award at CCS 2016 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM CCS conference)
  19. Best Paper Award at ACSAC 2016
  20. Ontario Early Researcher Award 2016, Canada
  21. Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Main Track)
  22. Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Application Track)
  23. Symbolic Computation + Satisfiability Checking (SC^2) Track Invited Paper @ CASC 2016
  24. IJCAI 'Sister Conference Best Paper Track' Invited Paper 2016
  25. IBM Faculty Award 2015
  26. Paper on MathCheck conjecture verifier selected for the JAR Journal Special Issue on Best Papers at CADE 2015
  27. Paper on Z3str2 String Solver selected for FMSD Journal Special Issue on the Best Papers at CAV 2015
  28. Best Paper Award at Software Product Lines Conference 2015 (SPLC 2015)
  29. Paper titled "Impact of Community Structure on SAT Solver Performance" judged best student paper at SAT 2014
  30. STP solver ranked second at the annual SMTCOMP competition 2014 (bit-vector category)
  31. Google Faculty Research Award 2013 (Only 6 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2013)
  32. Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2013 Invitee
  33. Google Faculty Research Award 2011 (Only 9 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2011)
  34. STP solver ranked second at the annual SMTCOMP competition 2011 (bit-vector category)
  35. STP solver ranked first at the annual SMTCOMP competition 2010 (bit-vector category)
  36. ACM Distinguished SIGSOFT Paper Award 2009 (for the HAMPI string solver paper)
  37. Ten-year most influential paper citation at DATE 2008 (Best paper in 10 years at the DATE conference)
  38. STP solver ranked first at the annual SMTCOMP competition 2006 (bit-vector category)