Vijay Ganesh is a professor of computer science at Georgia Tech. Prior to joining Georgia Tech in 2023, Vijay was a professor at the University of Waterloo from 2012 to 2023, where he also served as a Co-Director of the Waterloo AI Institute from 2021 to 2023. From 2007 to 2012, Vijay was a research scientist at MIT. He completed his computer science PhD from Stanford University in 2007. The primary focus of Vijay's research is the theory and practice of SAT/SMT solvers and their applications in software engineering, security, AI, mathematics, and physics. Vijay currently leads the following projects:
1. Machine Learning (ML) for Logic (Solvers)
    Z3str* solvers
    Parallel SAT for cryptanalysis
2. Logic for ML
    AI for scientific discovery
    AI for math
    NeuroSymbolic AI
3. Proof Complexity Theory
Proof complexity-theoretic analysis of SAT/SMT solvers and formal methods
4. Software Engineering and Security
BanditFuzz: RL-guided performance fuzzer for SMT solver
    Pierce: Performance testing of neural network verifiers
    Security of blockchain technologies
    Attack Resistance of Security Defense Mechanisms
    STP bitvector and array solver (2005-2012)

CV (Jan 2024), Google Scholar, DBLP, LinkedIn, Math Genealogy, Simons Institute @ Berkeley, MathSciNet, ORCID

Notable Awards, Honors, Medals, and Distinctions

Below find a list of notable awards that Dr. Ganesh has received in his career. A complete list is available on his awards page.
  1. Z3-alpha won several divisions at SMT-COMP 2024
  2. Bronze medal at SAT 2023 Competition (main track)
  3. NeurIPS Spotlight Poster 2023
  4. University of Waterloo Engineering Research Excellence Award (EREA) 2022
  5. ACM ISSTA Impact Paper Award 2019 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM ISSTA conference)
  6. Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition (main track)
  7. Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition (no-limits track)
  8. ACM Test of Time Award at CCS 2016 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM CCS conference)
  9. Best Paper Award at ACSAC 2016
  10. Ontario Early Researcher Award 2016, Canada
  11. Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Main Track)
  12. Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Application Track)
  13. IBM Faculty Award 2015
  14. Paper on MathCheck conjecture verifier selected for the JAR Journal Special Issue on Best Papers at CADE 2015
  15. Paper on Z3str2 String Solver selected for FMSD Journal Special Issue on the Best Papers at CAV 2015
  16. Google Faculty Research Award 2013 (Only 6 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2013)
  17. Google Faculty Research Award 2011 (Only 9 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2011)
  18. ACM Distinguished SIGSOFT Paper Award 2009 (for the HAMPI string solver paper)
  19. Ten-year most influential paper citation at DATE 2008 (Best paper in 10 years at the DATE conference)


  Undergraduate courses

     ECE208 - Logic, Computability, Complexity (S2019, F2020)   
     ECE250 - Algorithms and Data Structures (F2015)
     ECE351 - Compilers (W2014, S2014, W2015, S2017, S2018)
     ECE458 - Computer Security (W2013, S2014, S2017)

  Graduate courses  
ECE653 -  Software Testing, Quality Assurance, and Maintenance (S2020)
     ECE750-T28 - Computer-aided Reasoning (W2013, F2013, W2015, F2016, F2017, F2018)

Professional Service

Editorial and Steering Committees
Conference/Workshop Co-chair and Organizer
Program Committee Member: CAV 2024 (PC Co-Chair), IJCAI 2024, AAAI 2024, ICLR 2024, PLDI 2024,
SAT 2024, CP 2024, NeSym 2024, NeurIPS 2023, NeSym 2023, AAAI 2022, ATVA 2022, SAT 2022, ATVA 2021 (PC Co-chair), IJCAI 2021 (Senior PC), CAV 2021, PLDI 2021, AAAI 2021, FM 2021SOCS 2021, AAAI-XAI 2021, POPL 2020, AAAI 2020, IJCAI 2020, ICTAI 2020, IJCAI 2019, ICTAI 2019, ICISS 2019, CP 2018, IJCAI 2018, SAT 2018, CAV 2018, FM 2018, IJCAR 2018, FSCD 2018, PoS 2018, FroCos 2017, SYNASC 2017, CP 2017, Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL) Special Session 2017, ICSE (NIER) 2017, PLDI (ERC) 2017, SC^2 2017, Fields Institute SAT Workshop 2016, USE 2016, SC^2 Workshop 2016, Formal Methods 2016, VSTTE 2016, PAAR 2016, ICCS 2016, ISAIM 2016, POPL (ERC) 2016, ICDCIT 2016, SPSM 2015, ASSESS 2015, CSTVA 2015, VSTTE 2015, SMT 2015, Formal Methods 2015, AAAI 2015, USE 2015, CSTVA 2014, ASSESS 2014, FroCos 2013, CSTVA 2013, SMT 2012, IEEE NCA 2012, SMT 2011, IEEE NCA 2011

Contact Information

School of Computer Science
Klaus Advanced Computing Building, Room 2320
266 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States
Phone: +1-404-385-6362