Z3str* string solvers
Parallel SAT for cryptanalysis
2. Logic for ML
AI for scientific discovery
AI for math
NeuroSymbolic AI
3. Proof Complexity Theory
Proof complexity-theoretic analysis of SAT/SMT solvers and formal methods
4. Software Engineering and Security
BanditFuzz: RL-guided performance fuzzer for SMT solver
Pierce: Performance testing of neural network verifiers
Security of blockchain technologies
Attack Resistance of Security Defense Mechanisms
STP bitvector and array solver (2005-2012)
Profile: CV (Jan 2024), Google Scholar, DBLP, LinkedIn, Math Genealogy, Simons Institute @ Berkeley, MathSciNet, ORCID
Notable Awards, Honors, Medals, and Distinctions
Below find a list of notable awards that Dr. Ganesh has received in his career. A complete list is available on his awards page.- Z3-alpha won several
divisions at SMT-COMP 2024
- Bronze medal at SAT 2023 Competition (main track)
- NeurIPS Spotlight Poster 2023
- University of
Waterloo Engineering Research Excellence Award (EREA)
- ACM ISSTA Impact Paper Award 2019 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM ISSTA conference)
- Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition
(main track)
- Silver medal at SAT 2017 Competition
(no-limits track)
- ACM Test of Time Award at CCS 2016 (Best paper in 10 years at ACM CCS conference)
- Best
Paper Award at ACSAC 2016
- Ontario Early Researcher Award 2016, Canada
- Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Main Track)
- Gold medal at the SAT Competition 2016 (Application Track)
- IBM Faculty Award 2015
- Paper on MathCheck conjecture verifier selected for the JAR Journal Special Issue on Best Papers at CADE 2015
- Paper on Z3str2 String Solver selected for FMSD Journal Special Issue on the Best Papers at CAV 2015
- Google Faculty Research Award 2013 (Only 6 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2013)
- Google Faculty Research Award 2011 (Only 9 winners worldwide in software engineering in 2011)
- ACM Distinguished SIGSOFT Paper Award 2009 (for the HAMPI string solver paper)
- Ten-year most influential paper citation at DATE 2008 (Best paper in 10 years at the DATE conference)
ECE208 - Logic, Computability, Complexity (S2019, F2020)
ECE250 - Algorithms and Data Structures (F2015)
ECE351 - Compilers (W2014, S2014, W2015, S2017, S2018)
ECE458 - Computer Security (W2013, S2014, S2017)
Graduate courses
ECE653 - Software Testing, Quality Assurance, and Maintenance (S2020)
ECE750-T28 - Computer-aided Reasoning (W2013, F2013, W2015, F2016, F2017, F2018)
Professional Service
- Editor-in-chief: Springer book series titled "Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic" (PCSAL). 2018-present
- Associate
Editor: Maple Transactions. 2021-present
- Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Satisfiability (JSAT). 2018-present
- CSTVA Steering Committee Member 2017-present, The International SAT/SMT/AR Summer School Steering Committee Member 2017-present, SMT Steering Committee Member 2014-2015
- Co-chair: CAV
- Co-organizer: Dagsuthl seminar on "Machine Learning and Logical Reasoning: The New Frontier" 2022
- Co-organizer: Dagstuhl seminar on "Theory and Practice of SAT and Combinatorial Solving" 2022
- Co-chair: ATVA 2021
- Co-organizer: Berkeley Simons Institute for Theory of Computing Workshop on Boolean SATisfiability 2021
- Co-organizer: Dagstuhl seminar on Bringing CP, SAT and SMT together: Next Challenges in Constraint Solving 2019
- Lead Organizer: Waterloo Workshop on Blockchain + Security 2019
- Lead Organizer: Waterloo Workshop on Machine
Learning + Security + Verification 2019
- Co-chair: Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL) Special Session on Computer-aided Proofs 2017
- Co-chair: SC^2 Workshop (Symbolic
Computation + Satisfiability Checking) 2017
- Co-chair: David Dill @ 60 Workshop at CAV 2017
- Lead Organizer: Fields Institute workshop on Theoretical Foundations of SAT Solving 2016
- Co-organizer:
Dagstuhl seminar on Theory and Practice of SAT
Solving 2015
- Co-chair: SMT 2015
- Co-chair: CSTVA 2014
- Co-organizer:
Dagstuhl seminar on Symbolic Execution and
Constraint Solving 2014
- Lead Organizer: Summer School on SAT/SMT Solvers 2011 at MIT from June 12-17, 2011. (Reviews by Sean Heelan)
- Lead
Organizer: Summer School on Combination
of Decision Procedures 2004 at Stanford University from
6-12, 2004
Contact Information
of Computer
Science Klaus Advanced Computing Building, Room 2320 266 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States Phone: +1-404-385-6362 |